Spire is the country the party's in and it's at war with Ravnica, Ravnica sends 2 giant arakokras that Delta mistakes for chickens. The party runs away into the woods, where they fall into a trap and end up in someone's basement with a little girl named Emerson. The party woke up in a basement and solved a puzzle, then adopted Brutus, a giant, sad, old, GMO dog large enough to ride. The party then left the room and solved another puzzle. After this, they found an archway with exact copies of themselves. They broke down the archway and let the clones loose. They headed back to the room in search of water. After going past the mirror, the party went into a massive room with a fake sky, where they followed a path that split into a ravine. Inside of the ravine was a neighbor named Ms.Finnick. She's the grandmother of thousands and tells them to go to a small cave with a town where one of her grandsons works as a bartender (she was setting him up).

The party finds the tavern, and Theo immediately has [redacted] with the bartender, who's name is Caesar. The party then finds out he lives in the most empty, poverty ridden location, and actually doesn't live there and is just squatting.
Unn is in a big skull across the lake, the clones are trapped there and will each die making various sacrifices.
Party is currently at Ceasar's house, the only non-Unner in the town. (his house is a small cramped apartment or a cabin on the outskirts of town).
He tells the party they need to pay rent if theres like 5 people in there and they should go try to fish.
Going to the docks, the party sees a fishing store and hopefully goes to the store run by an old friendly dwarf with a long undecorated beard and sells fishing rods.
When the party goes to the the docks, they see a small boat with a man who blankly stares and says "Kreg says hi" (canon spelling, screw you)
after getting some fish,the party hears a large bump from further away from the city, if they go investigate, theres a giant disheveled skull with an open jaw, off white with moss and vines overgrowing it.

This maze has an important religious torch that can never be put out. It also is blue, and turns green, yellow, and orange as the party gets to the suspicious building
As soon as the party gets to the shore, the torch turns green, after walking for a bit they encounter two guards with Unn regalia (in notebook)
They will immediately notice the bright torch if the party has it, and if not the party must do a stealth check to not be questioned about the god. There's a combat encounter if the party is found and resists arrest (for breaking curfew, purchasing contraband (the thing Epione bought), and entering a historical religious site). (graph in notebook)

If they kill one of the guards (which is very easy), the other will immediately arrest them anyway, both options reveal that they were fiances before you brutally murdered one of them. The inside of the one killed's locket shows the other.
In prison, the party has an extremely religious cellmate named Teluvra, if she finds out what the party did, she will attempt to fight them (Cleric 6). When the party first meets her, she is stacking a pile of dead rats in sacrifice to a crude drawing of a slug she made on the wall (in notebook). She was arrested for sacrificing someone' dog in the sacrificial pile. She also seems to know Katze and calls her Lute, yet Katze has no recollection of ever meeting her. Emerson says she looks familiar (she babysat Emerson before getting trapped in Mikhail's Maze).
After finding some way out of the prison (if they dig they will end up outside the chasm on the other side) the party will see the torch fire facing towards a direction for them to go
If they're in the city, they see people muttering from behind their back and if they're in the woods, animals run away from them.
The flame burns normal color when they get to an old abandoned blacksmith's place. It's made of brick and has a gross old wooden roof and a big stain where a sign used to be.
When the party enters, they find a normal blacksmithing workshop with turned over chairs and dust everywhere, anyone with allergies has to roll 1d4 for how big their sneeze is, at 4 they hear rustling under them.
Eventually they'll find a door labeled "do not enter" and after entering it (which they will) They will find everyone's clones but slightly different.
The room is very dark and has slight red and dim lighting. A group of people obscured by the dark are gathered around a jar with Unn in it.